This Release of Liability Owner-Rider/ Horse Equine Form is a release of liability form for a rider to sign in connection with riding, lessons, or other use of management's facilities. It contains provisions regarding the inherent risk associated with equine acitivies and assumption of risk on the part of the rider, as well as a limit on damages that a rider may claim against the facility.
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View this formIf you're trying to find precise Arizona Release of Liability Owner Rider - Horse Equine Forms web templates, US Legal Forms is the thing you need; find files created and checked out by state-accredited attorneys. Utilizing US Legal Forms not just saves you from problems regarding legitimate forms; you additionally help save time and effort, and funds! Downloading, printing out, and filling out an expert document is much less costly than inquiring legal counsel to get it done for you.
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Change state Close No results found. California Connecticut District of Columbia Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Washington West Virginia Law summary Release of Liability Owner Rider - Horse Equine Forms Arizona Equine Activity StatutesLimited liability of equine owners and owners of equine facilities; exception; definitions
A. An equine owner or an agent of an equine owner who regardless of consideration allows another person to take control of an equine is not liable for an injury to or the death of the person if: 1. The person has taken control of the equine from the owner or agent when the injury or death occurs.
2. The person or the parent or legal guardian of the person if the person is under eighteen years of age has signed a release before taking control of the equine.
3. The owner or agent has properly installed suitable tack or equipment or the person has personally tacked the equine with tack the person owned, leased or borrowed. If the person has personally tacked the equine, the person assumes full responsibility for the suitability, installation and condition of the tack.
4. The owner or agent assigns the person to a suitable equine based on a reasonable interpretation of the person's representation of his skills, health and experience with and knowledge of equines. B. Subsection A does not apply to an equine owner or agent of the equine owner who is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions.
C. An owner, lessor or agent of any riding stable, rodeo ground, training or boarding stable or other private property that is used by a rider or handler of an equine with or without the owner's permission is not liable for injury to or death of the equine or the rider or handler.
D. Subsection C does not apply to an owner, lessor or agent of any riding stable, rodeo ground, training or boarding stable or other private property that is used by a rider or handler of an equine if either of the following applies: 1. The owner, lessor or agent knows or should know that a hazardous condition exists and the owner, lessor or agent fails to disclose the hazardous condition to a rider or handler of an equine.
2. The owner, lessor or agent is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions. E. As used in this section: 1. "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey or ass.
2. "Release" means a document that a person signs before taking control of an equine from the owner or owner's agent and that acknowledges that the person is aware of the inherent risks associated with equine activities, is willing and able to accept full responsibility for his own safety and welfare and releases the equine owner or agent from liability unless the equine owner or agent is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions.
Legal definition Release of Liability Owner Rider - Horse Equine Forms Arizona Equine Activity StatutesLimited liability of equine owners and owners of equine facilities; exception; definitions
A. An equine owner or an agent of an equine owner who regardless of consideration allows another person to take control of an equine is not liable for an injury to or the death of the person if: 1. The person has taken control of the equine from the owner or agent when the injury or death occurs.
2. The person or the parent or legal guardian of the person if the person is under eighteen years of age has signed a release before taking control of the equine.
3. The owner or agent has properly installed suitable tack or equipment or the person has personally tacked the equine with tack the person owned, leased or borrowed. If the person has personally tacked the equine, the person assumes full responsibility for the suitability, installation and condition of the tack.
4. The owner or agent assigns the person to a suitable equine based on a reasonable interpretation of the person's representation of his skills, health and experience with and knowledge of equines. B. Subsection A does not apply to an equine owner or agent of the equine owner who is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions.
C. An owner, lessor or agent of any riding stable, rodeo ground, training or boarding stable or other private property that is used by a rider or handler of an equine with or without the owner's permission is not liable for injury to or death of the equine or the rider or handler.
D. Subsection C does not apply to an owner, lessor or agent of any riding stable, rodeo ground, training or boarding stable or other private property that is used by a rider or handler of an equine if either of the following applies: 1. The owner, lessor or agent knows or should know that a hazardous condition exists and the owner, lessor or agent fails to disclose the hazardous condition to a rider or handler of an equine.
2. The owner, lessor or agent is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions. E. As used in this section: 1. "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey or ass.
2. "Release" means a document that a person signs before taking control of an equine from the owner or owner's agent and that acknowledges that the person is aware of the inherent risks associated with equine activities, is willing and able to accept full responsibility for his own safety and welfare and releases the equine owner or agent from liability unless the equine owner or agent is grossly negligent or commits wilful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions.